A singer for as long as she can remember, Kate has done everything musical short of playing in an orchestra! From the blues to folk, cafe gigs & community choirs, her journey has carried her back to the world of chanting to explore the joy of creating uplifting sound with others. Here you find words of peace, love & joy that float in melodious contemplation, songs to uplift the heart, to be still amongst and songs to slow dance. Seek rest for your soul no more, it is here.

Kate plays her celtic harp, ukulele & guitar, sharing sweet original sounds. You can rest, you can sing, enjoy the vibe.

Session 1: Chanting & Heartsongs with Kate B 

With a modern infusion of eclectic styles including beautiful folk songs, traditional Sanskrit chants and sweet harmonies, this music is truly a pleasure to the ear and the heart.

Session 2: Sing Your Heart with Kate B

Come and discover in this workshop your voice and learn how to sing from the heart leaving behind any ‘stories’ about singing and surrendering to your innate voice wisdom. Be inspired! Kate carries a natural confidence when it comes to singing and she loves to support you to discover this in yourself.