Song, strings, sacred sound and good vibes
House concerts, festivals, weddings, chanting,
retreats, community choirs, music for yoga and more
Album # 2 is here!
I’m so excited to share this album with you as my third musical offering!
I love that feeling of listening and thinking ‘Eighteen months in the making, yes! We did it!’.
You can listen and discover the stories & credits behind the album on the on BandCamp.
Own your copy…
You can join the quiet revolution and purchase you copy to download or stream on BandCamp or Purchase a USB, Songbook, Record or CD!
Enjoy! ..and immense gratitude to you for supporting independent music!!
— Kate B xx
Upcoming Events
I’d love to connect with you and share in song at one of my upcoming gigs, workshops or retreats. Check out what events are currently on the horizon…

Meet Kate
Here you will find words of peace, love & joy that float in mellifluous contemplation, songs to uplift the heart, songs to be still and rest amongst and songs to slow dance. With a modern infusion of eclectic styles including beautiful folk songs, shaped by life, inspired by nature, infused with mantra and sweet harmonies, this music is truly a pleasure to the ear and the heart. Kate plays her harp, ukulele & guitar, sharing original songs. Seek rest for your soul no more: it is here… Read more >
If you’ve always wanted to play Ukulele, this is a great place to start. In your own time, in your own home, at your own pace, but with the support of me and each other! There are PLENTY of courses out there which are free but if you get stuck, you’re on your own… The difference is here that I will be with you each step of the way.