Sun & Moon CD + Printed Songbook

Sun & Moon CD + Printed Songbook


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Your physical copy of the CD PLUS lyrics & chords for the Sun & Moon Album with original artwork by Karen Dickson.

A couple of years ago I shared with some good friends on a sunny new years morning, my intention for the coming year: to ‘undam the musical flow’. In July of 2014 at the completion of a yoga retreat I shared that it was high time I recorded a CD. After years of what felt like holding back the creative flow in order to keep up with demands of the busy-ness of ‘life’, the floodgates were finally opened! This album, my debut, is a testament to the potency of setting an intention, being witnessed and having so much support along the way…

For a sneak peak of the tracks, you can listen to them here.


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CD, Digital Download


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